I thank you for, me me, the songs you sung to me,the prayers that you saidI am is by you, whoFor the faith you hadJjrineA you had for me, for your trust andyour pride, my mother, I thank you. Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Nogales. Jones of Arison*IRogales 11 nterna^fialj given Tuesday by Mrs. A. J. Abbott. C. CrenshawPhone 675(Cortlnufld From Page 3)Sunday from Phoenix, where shehas been for some time past, visiting Miss Edna Cheshire. She was a . PROP,i1 NeuiStdflMe*One of Americas HotelsACCOMMODATING ICOO GUESTS "Wshe5 he (amour Hotel 5t Charles assures this seasorft visitors thesame warm welcome that has attracted the country* notables (or acentury. 1930. Former Nogales Mayor Marco Lopez announces run for governor. I thank youflj my eyes, the blood in my veins, for my speech, forfcgJSSfljjlfi m y lifejMftr nty being. R. Helm of Phoenix, representing The Great InternationalHighway Association, was here this: week.Any party vacating for the summer, desiring a caretaker with goodreferences, may contact throughthis office or by phoning 45-W. (adv)Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jones wereshoppers here Thursday from Parker Canyon.William Farrell and Lonnie Huntwere here this week from TumbleCity, near Fort Huachuca.Phil Tovrea, head of the TovreaPacking Company at Phoenix, was| here last week.% IfirtWij.tHpMdy yoniave me, the bone and the sinew, the heart and| 8 the yours, my mother, I thank you. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. Inspector General | C. MEDLEN AGENCYPhone 98 223 Morley AvenueFOR BEST BAKINGDIAMOND M FLOURStandard Family Flour for 40 YearsBUY IT FROM YOUR GROCERESCALADA BROTHERSWHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORSHayden HoldsImportant PostsIn G.O.P. C. MOODY, Prop.Families AccommodatedVt 2% Grand Ave. var year = today.getFullYear() Phone 40A. l. Jones, governor of Arizona,, defended his administration at thecattlemens convention.1; , ** , *J-HI ***'''i w Jk Jr M< jjjH&xf ' *' &T. Due tothis beating, the locals will enterthe fray tonight as underdogs,j After tonights fracas, the Apach-1 j es will resume practice on Monday| until Wednesday when they leave| for the state tourney. Judge OK's Arizona rancher trial in Mexican migrant killing Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Nogales international. Roberta Bracker, devoted mother, Nogales Jewish community leader, and 3Now Serving Third TermFOR SHERIFFI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for Sheriff, subjectto the decision of the voters althe July primary election.J. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. (Robert) Soto; son, Javier (Mercedes) Mazon; seven grandchildren; According Read More, Obituary of John Paul Neel Current Tucson, AZ and longtime Chesterton, IN resident, John P Neel passed away at home, with his wife Roberta by Read More, Obituary of Gay Lynn Waslo Gay Lynn Waslo, 65 passed away surrounded by family on Jan 28th, 2023. Tell your druggist to sell youa bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way itquickly allays the cough or you areto have your money back.CREOMULSIONfor Coughs, Chest Colds, BronchitisPLUMBING SMALL and LARGE JOESVIRGIL WALKERPhone Residence 411-R| Mine Examinations I n d Reports J/i{'ft for PatentsIP Box 525 PATAGONIA \Pacific BrokerageCompanyJAMES W. MANSONCustoms House andCommission Brokers. You have permission to edit this article. Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. 4-4 6t)IN THE SUPERIOR COURTOs Santa Cruz County, State ofArizonaNOTICE TO CREDITORSIn the matter of the estate of Francisco Araiza Deceased.Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Francisco Araiza deceased,to the creditors of and all personshaving claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four monthsafter the publication of this noticeto the said administrator at the office of Duane Bird, Noon Building,Nogales, Arizona, the same livingM e place for tte transact: :n of thebusiness of said estate, in saidCounty of Santa Cruz.Manuel Gonzalez1 administrator of the estate ofFrancisco Araiza deceased., Dated Nogales, Arizona this 31stday of March, 1930. It seems a safe prediction to say that a new all-timehigh mark will be set by vacationists this summer.Your Income is LikeYour Shadow - ItStops When You DoAn Income for your family thatwill not stop if your life shouldbe cut short can be convenientlyarranged through an EquitableFamily Income Policy.The Equitable LifeAssurance SocietyOs The United StatesHERMAN C. MEDLEN,AgentBowman Hotel Bldg.War Brings Breadlines to North ChinaWar and flood, three years of the former and a succession of thelatter, have had their effect on the Japanese-dominated part of China.More than 2,000 Chinese, most of them women and children, died onShanghai streets this past winter. jAttend MeetingOs CattlemenAmong very prominent Arizonans ]in the city for the cattlemens con- Heroica Nogales - Wikipedia For a successful Nogales International obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. December 14, 2022 (96 years old) View obituary. Try searching by initials. Nogales International - Nogales International He was an American vet serving in the Read More, Ruben Melendez's passing on Tuesday, January 17, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Nogales international. Lindsay Kerr 4:08 PM, May 21, 2021 . Briefs: NPD still seeking answers in man's death Obituary | nogalesinternational.com She was born Jan. 27, A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. December 15, 2022 (60 years old) View obituary. Phone 26 (adv)R. C. Blabon was a visitor inNogales Wednesday from Patagonia.T. Amen . Charles Smith and Mrs. C. C.Cheshire.Palace BarberSHOP245 Morley Ave.N. Obituary Announcement. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Nathan Ronald Lumm. Seated, left to right! Three members withdrew atthis meetirtg. 'NOGALES NATIONAL BANK BLDG.Nogales, ArizonaO. LA. Ron was born August 28, 1942 Read More, Graciela Carranza's passing on Sunday, February 12, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. MAZDALAMPS IN FLAMETINE AND COLORS.Phone 44 324 Grand Ave.NEON SIGNS NOTICE!To WIDOWS aid EX-SOLDIERS!Notice is hereby given that affidavits for exemption of Taxation, provided by law, for Widowsand Ex-Soldiers, must be filed at this office before July Ist, 1930.All affidavits not filed by that date will not heallowed.HARRY FARRIOR,County Assessor.' Nogales International. USA.gov, Nogales international. As I told the attorney general, T feel that your judicial experience ably qualifies you for theimportant post of district judge.Urged By TrumanI did want you to know, however, that I hope you will decideto stay in the senate. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. SADDLESMADE TO ORDERNOGALESSADDLERYE. In October 1882, a silver spike was placed to mark what was called the "wedding of the rails," that connected the U.S. and Mexico at the sister cities of Nogales, Sonora, and Nogales, Arizona, or Ambos Nogales (Alma Ready, Nogales, Arizona, 1880-1980 Centennial Anniversary).Multiple newspapers appeared from 1885 onward, from early . Donate **Most of these lists are based on a first come, firstserved formula, which, in general, is the fairest kindof list to have.iWe suggest that every merchant in town tell theveterans that they can get at the head of the linethat this is a Veterans First towm. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Page 369.I Witness my hand and officialseal the day and year aforesaid.SEAL Ada E. Jones,County Recorder.(Pub. DependableAmericas time-tested favorite g *"for over 70 years. USA.gov, Nogales international. The schoolregistration has increased and theState, by law, must put up S6O foreach student. T. Frazier, chairman of thecounty board of supervisors, poured coffee at the Maverick barbecue given in honor of the cattlemen. Finish. Mrs.Shamhart is a native of Louisville,Ky., and friend of relatives of thepublisher of the Nogales International in Kentucky and Washington, D. C.LOCATING IN MESALester Kuck, formerly of Nogales,I is accepting a position as manager! Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project Forgive me my pride in myyouth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holiness of your years andthe veneration of your weakness, for my neglect, for my selfishness, for all thegreat debts of your love that I have not paid, mother, sweet mother, forgive me.And may the peace and the joy that passeth all understanding be yours,my mother, forever and ever. He is Big Bull, the Mavericks' chief official.JarKridiuuuy iiiuioilo of Maricopa county met Gov. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Forgive me the joys I deprived you, the toils I made for you, for thehours, the days and the years I claimed from you, mother, forgive me.For the times that I hurt you, the times I had no smile for you, the caressesI did not give you, my mother, forgive roe. Connect with your classmates to honor alumni and teachers. -The number of the Directors shallbe designated by the by-laws andshall be elected from among thestockholders at their annual meeting to be held on the second Monday in the month of January ofeach year. Pedro Balderrama Caballero. To lay out, subdivide, resubdivide, and generally improve tractsof land and sell same, either by suchsubdivision or resubdivision.4. . of the Foxworth-Galbraith LumberCompanys yard at Mesa and will| take over his new duties as soon| as he is relieved by the HalsteadLumber Company at Williams.BUYS HOMELeonilo Larriva and family aremoving to their new home at 807Morley avenue which they recentlypurchased.For Rent: Furnished apartment,desirable location. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 6 min ago. Hereafter itis expected the orchid lounge will beused in addition to the ballroom.JONES RAPS CRITICSYou cant accuse me of being responsible for the present state taxrate, declared Gov. standing has brought to Mexicans. Family and friends can send flowers and/or light a candle as a loving gesture for their loved one. Nogales Obituaries - Latest Obituaries in Nogales, AZ - Echovita SpivFRANCES PETERSONMrs. Calif., to be employed by theAmerican Fruit Growers during thesummer months.Pacific BrokerageCompany, S. A.Customs House andCommission BrokersQuick ServiceNOGALESTHEATERSATURDAYMEXICAN SPITFIRE"with LUPE VALDEZ andDONALD WOODS andBILL ELLIOTTinTAMING OF THE WEST"SUNDAY and MONDAYALICE FAYEinLITTLE OLD NEW YORK"TUESWEDTHURS.FRED ASTAIR andELEANOR POWELLinBROADWAY MELODYOF 1940FRIDAYBOBBY BREENinESCAPE TO PARADISE"andHUMPHREY BOGARTin"THE RETURN OF DR. XGood Flour and Fine PremiumsAsk Your Grocer About the FineChinaware Given Away withLA PINA FLOURFor Sale in All Grocery StoresESCALADA BROTHERSWholesale DistributorsTheFIRST NATIONAL BANKOF NOGALESCOMMERCIAL SAVINGSOrganized 1903Mull)\ jFORMER NOGALIANSI CRITICALLY ILLMrs. Nogales forms part of the larger Tucson-Nogales combined statistical area, with a total population of 1,027,683 as of the 2010 Census.The city is the county seat . Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. Jobs | View obituary. SeeUs When You Need Furniture!YOUNGOS339 Morley Phone 144NogalesTransfer& Fuel Co.Experts on furniture movingand crating heavy and lighthauling . Sam Dysart, program chairman for the club convention, is leaving teday for Phoenix to conferwith the state president of the organization on program events forthe March meeting.Both the Junior and Senior divisions of the State Federation willmeet here.All arrangements for the convention are being handled by the Nogales Womans Club of which Mrs.Russell Meeker is president.Two Die InMine BlastNear NogalesVictims of a premature dynamiteexplosion, Robert Landers, 48, andPedro Carnes. Are you looking for a female relative? $ Tgsgparr:* jSrPAGE THREEcoming to the border field locatedat Col. Procters Pete Kitchen ranchon the Tucson road. Fragments of their bodies were picked| up in the shaft.James Malley. The following obituary was published in the Nogales International on August 6, 2021. Bisbee Douglas9:00 A 10:45 A 12:25 P 1:15 P4:00 P 6:00 P 7:25 P 8:15 PNOGALES-BISBEESTAGE CO.Telephone 163CITIZEN AUTOSTAGE CO.TUCSON NOGALESPhone 6370 Phone 163NORTHBOUNDLeave Nogales: 7:00 A.M., 8:30A.M., 9:15 A.M., 10:15 A.M..11:00 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:30 P.M., 3:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 4:15 P.M., 5:00 P.M., 6:20 P-M 8:30 P.M.. 10:30 P.M.SOUTHBOUNDLeave Tucson: 7:10 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 8:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 10:50 A.M., 12:01 P.M., 1:00P.M., 2:00 P.M., 3:45 P.M., 5:10P.M., 6:20 P.M., 8:30 P.M., 12:30A.M.Effective February 9, 1945MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME1JIM TITCOMBpartment of Patagonia Union HighSchool. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 22, 1941, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program.