How we will communicate with you. See how to access your statements and learn more about your account balance. Select the page icon to view your statement online. 27.1The terms and conditions set out herein constitute all the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Each of the provisions contained in these terms and conditions shall be severable and distinct from one another and if any one or more of such provisions is now or hereafter become invalid, illegal or unreasonable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining such provisions shall not in any way be affected, prejudiced or compared thereby. 12.1eFlow must be notified of any disputes of charges appearing on your Account within ninety (90) days of the charge being posted. name, address, contact details and details of the vehicle/s that you wish to register as Registered Vehicle/s (such as vehicle class, model, colour and registration details); whether the Vehicle/s registered are assigned to the M50 Video tolling or Tag tolling option; whether the Account is to be a personal, business or visitor account; the type and manner of delivery of Account Statements; and. Payment method properties. under the 'Payment Details' section, click the 'Manage Bank Accounts' button. We are aware of suspicious text messages claiming to be from eFlow. Remote access to the platform. Select the date you would like to close your account. . Simple, convenient and safe, Direct Debit is an automated payment method that is used for around three quarters of household bills. To reset your password, you will need your username. This contains additional fields that you can use for business or reconciliation purposes such as referencing the payment between the debtor and the creditor. select the tax you wish to set up the direct debit for, and click 'Create'. an Eligible Vehicle) which are registered on the Department of Transports National Vehicle Database File (NVDF).6.2The registered owner of an Eligible Vehicle may be required to submit evidence of the vehicles eligibility when seeking to apply for the scheme.6.3 Under the Scheme account holders will receive refunds in accordance with the published Scheme rules6.4The Scheme Rules set out the overall limitations contemplated by the Scheme, including the fact that the Scheme is subject to review by the Minister for Transport Tourism and Sports who may vary certain aspects of the Scheme from time to time, including in relation to the Annual Maximum Eligible ETC Limit.6.5Customers should note that the Scheme Rules specify that an Annual Maximum Eligible ETC Limit is to be applied per Eligible Vehicle regardless of which Tag Service Provider you have an account with.6.6Refunds will be credited to the Account associated with the electric vehicle Tag where there is a valid tag transaction made by the Eligible Vehicle. If your postal address is the same as your billing address, please update your details as needed. For more information click. This will open a list of all your regular payments. or such other address as may be contemplated by the Roads Acts 1993-2015; by email to: such address as is recorded in the Account Application Form (as may be amended from time to time in accordance with this Agreement); or. The allocation for the Scheme in 2020 is up to a maximum of 1,500,000. A direct debit is a regular payment that's approved by you but set up and controlled by the business you are paying. If your account is in suspension, it will not be reactivated until the outstanding balance on your account has been cleared, and your account has a valid payment method. Customers can contact eFlow using the options below: eFlow You acknowledge that you have not relied upon any representation save for any set out in these terms and conditions.27.2The interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by Irish law and the Irish courts have jurisdiction to resolve any dispute in relation to the Agreement.27.3There shall be no waiver of any terms or conditions unless such waiver is evidenced in writing and signed by the waiving party. And while we'll regularly review your Direct Debit to make sure your payments are on track, you may also want to consider increasing your monthly amount over summer and autumn to build up more credit ready . in the case of post, forty-eight (48) hours after posting or if delivered by hand, on delivery; in the case of facsimile transmission, upon confirmation of receipt by the addressee. You will be liable for any unpaid Tolls and applicable penalties in accordance with applicable law as a result of failing to mount the Tag correctly.14.3The Tag shall remain the property of eFlow at all times and you shall not do anything or permit anything to be done which may constitute a Misuse of the Tag. If you would like to find out why your Post pay account is in credit you can contact us online, by post, fax or through our Twitter or Facebook pages. The amount you pay depends on how often you want to make a payment. A direct debit is a regular automatic payment set up on your eligible CommBank account using your BSB and account number. The tolling Scheme will be administrated by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) on behalf of DoT. eFlow Post pay customers are billed a month in arrears. 2. The Scheme is an expansion on the previous Electric Vehicle Toll Incentive Scheme that commenced in June 2018; it will run until December 31st 2022 (or up to a maximum of c. 50,000 LEVs). At toll booths, you will have to stop and pay at the booth if your account is suspended. A longer form of SEPA Direct Debit Mandate with additional Optional Fields can also be used. Irelands leading payment solutions provider specialising in debit card and credit card transactions, mobile top ups, M50 toll payments, bill payments and much more. under 'SEPA Direct Debit Instructions', select the 'Manage Direct Debits' button. Under the 2020 Budget, DoT secured funding to support a reduced tolling scheme for Low Emission Vehicles (LEV), broadening the previous Electric Vehicle Toll Incentive Scheme. Direct debits, which you may also see called ACH debits or bank debits, are a simple and easy way to arrange recurring payments. 15.1In the event that a Tag is damaged, lost or stolen, it is your responsibility to notify eFlow through the website, webchat or by telephone by calling the Customer Service Centre. Direct Debit bureaus are third-party organisations that handle direct debit payments and most of the work related to them on your behalf. The main advantage of direct debits is the flexibility, as the payments can vary in amount or frequency. The company will let you know in advance when they're . 1.1In this Agreement the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:Account means your Personal, Business or Visitor Account with eFlow.Account Application Form means the application form to be completed by you or the Service Centre Agent in the case of a Customer who makes an application through the Customer Service Centre, in order to open an Account.Account Balance means, at any time, the amount recorded by which an Account may be in credit or in debit, as the case may be.Account Fee means, at any time, the amount payable by a Customer in connection with the provision of the Account and related services at such time for each Charge Period or part of a Charge Period in accordance with this Agreement (currently 1.00 plus VAT per Tag issued to you), as may be adjusted from time to time by eFlow, after giving prior notice of such adjustment to you.Account Start-up Balance means, in relation to a Pre pay Account, the minimum balance required to open an Account, which is based on the class of the vehicle(s) selected.Account Statement means a statement of account issued to a Customer from time to time, setting out the transactions recorded during the stated period (including, any Tolls, Payments or Fees incurred by the Customer during period).Additional Account Statement Charge means one euro plus VAT (1.00 plus VAT) or such other amount as may be specified by eFlow as payable in connection with the issue of Account Statements other than those Account Statements that are issued free of charge in accordance with this Agreement.Agreement means these terms and conditions, together with the Account Application Form, as may be amended and supplemented from time to time.Charge Period means, in the case of the first period, the period commencing on (and including) the day the Account is created and ending on the expiry of the calendar month and in respect of each subsequent Charge Period, a period of one (1) month commencing on the expiry of the previous Charge Period.Customer means you, the person who is opening an Account with eFlow.Customer Service Centre means the dedicated eFlow contact centre established to manage, resolve and respond to Customer queries.ETC means electronic toll collection.Fees means, to the extent applicable in each case, the Account Fee, the Late Payment Charges and the Additional Account Statement Charge.Interoperability means that a Customer, with a Tag installed in line with the tag installation guidelines provided by their tag issuer (as approved by eFlow), will be able to affect the discharge of a Toll by means of ETC on any Toll Road other than the M50 Toll Road, which is part of the national interoperability scheme and interoperable shall be interpreted accordingly.Late Payment Charges means such amount as eFlow may specify from time to time as the additional amount payable by you if eFlow fails to receive a payment as required under the Agreement.M50 Toll Road means that part of the N50 national road (otherwise known as the M50) that is a Toll Road.Minimum Balance means the minimum balance which is required to be maintained in a Pre pay Account, being twelve euro (12.00) or such other amount as eFlow may specify from time to time;Minimum Pre pay Amount means the minimum amount to be credited to the Pre pay Account each time the Minimum Balance is reached, being thirty euro (30.00) or such other amount as eFlow may specify from time to time.Misuse means the Customers failure to act in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, the Toll Bye-Laws and the Roads Acts 1993 2015, including such other acts or omissions that eFlow may specify and notify to Customers from time to time.Monthly Account Statement means the Account Statement issued to you setting out your transaction history on a monthly basis for the Charge Period and any charges incurred by you during that period.Payment Account means your account maintained with a credit institution or an account related to a credit card or debit card (in each case, being an account in respect of which instructions may be given authorising debits being made from it) or such other account as may be approved by eFlow, and which you have authorised or are authorising eFlow to effect debits from such account in accordance with the Agreement.Payment Date means, in relation to any Charge Period, the business day next following the expiry of such Charge Period.Payment Method means a method of payment which is acceptable to eFlow, being credit card, debit card or by direct debit (SEPA Single Euro Payments Area only) from the Customers payment account, digital wallet or such other payment method as eFlow may from time to time approve.Post pay Account means the type of account maintained by you with eFlow whereby an amount equal to the amount due in respect of Tolls and such other amounts as may be due in accordance with this Agreement incurred during a Charge Period (the outstanding amount) and recorded in such account are discharged by the debiting from time to time of the then outstanding amount from your Payment Account. Pre pay Account means the type of account maintained by you with eFlow whereby amounts are paid in advance to be credited to such account, with amounts due in respect of Tolls and such other amounts as may be due in accordance with this Agreement being subsequently deducted, and with the facility for the debiting from time to time of further amounts from your Payment Account (or otherwise paid in such manner as may be approved by eFlow) and credited to this account.Quarterly Account Statement means the Account Statement issued to you on a three (3) monthly basis setting out your transaction history (including, any charges incurred) during the stated period.Registered Vehicles means the vehicle or vehicles registered by you in connection with the Agreement.Rejected Payment means any payment in respect of which eFlow has not been credited with the amount of such payment.Service Centre Agent means an employee of the Customer Service Centre who is authorised to deal with Customer queries.Site has the meaning given to in clause 22.Tag means the electronic device supplied by eFlow or other tag issuer to you for installation in the Registered Vehicles, in line with the tag installation guide provided by eFlow or other tag issuer, to facilitate the electronic collection of Tolls under the terms of this Agreement in respect of the use of the M50 Toll Road or other interoperable Toll Roads by the Registered Vehicles.Tag Tolling means the tolling option in respect of which a Tag has been issued for installation in the Registered Vehicles, which is calculated by reference to the vehicle class contemplated by the relevant legislation and applicable Toll Bye-Laws.Toll means any Toll (including, default Toll) payable by the Customer for the use of a Toll Road which is calculated by reference to the vehicle class contemplated by the relevant legislation and applicable Toll Bye-Laws.Toll Bye-Laws means, at any time, the bye-laws applicable to the M50 Toll Road made pursuant to the Roads Acts 1993 2015.Toll Collection System means the system designed and maintained in order to facilitate the collection of Tolls electronically on behalf of eFlow.Toll Road means any road (or section of road) in respect of the use of which a Toll is payable in accordance with the Roads Acts 1993-2015.Unregistered Vehicles means any vehicle that is not registered with eFlow or an operator of an interoperable Toll Road (other than the M50 Toll Road); andVideo Tolling means the M50 Video tolling option associated to your vehicle.