These, as well as some fine mats and the six heads they had captured, were taken to Leulumoega and placed before their chief as proof of their success. 1.5:e,tau;i o\ei ^/aaeaoni Sa vaevae 1 vaega e a e. 0 le muaau, sa aofia a faatonuina ilatou e osofa ia Faeitnnuta. Ona toe usu lea o Malietoa Savea ia Amaamaula ona iai lea ole tama o Upoluosavea, le tama lenei na Malietoa. Laupepa becomes king, Tamasese Sa Tupua becomes vice-king, and Mata`afa Sa Tupua becomes prime minister. Well known in Samoan mythology as a tyrant cannibal who exacted human tribute from his subjects. Click on the record types that interest you, and print out the lists you get. 1358006: Samoan family group records, pedigree charts, and other misc. This is our history. Ia mafai ona ausia e alo ma fanau le tomai maualuga i mataupu eseese e ala lea i le fa'aogaina o le Gagana ma le aganu'u Fa'aSamoa. Bevans, Charles (1968). The vanguards made ready for the fray. 1903 AD Overtwo thousand Chinese laborers are imported to Samoa. Malietoa Tuila'epa - apparently held the Fijian-derived Tongan title of Tu'i Lakepa (Tuila'epa) which his father held, as well as the Malietoa. Web(Tala Faa Salevalasi Atua. Malietoa Savea - the first Malietoa and first central monarch of Samoa following the Tongan occupation of 'Upolu, Savai'i and Tutuila. Laauli went to catch seabirds or terns (gogo), while his brother Fua set off in another direction to court the prominent daughters of Tuisamoa named Gauifaleai and Totogata, specifically to persuade one or the other to become his wife. The War of the Faitasiga was actually a series of conflicts that did not truly end until Talavous death in 1880, even though official peace talks were held in April 1873. My father, Mulivai Purcell, talked to the older folk who still have their genealogy memorized. US Naval Institute. Le laina lea o le Malietoa e tupuga mai ai le Aiga lenei . doi:10.1080/00223349508572780. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited. Usu Seiuli II ia Laupola Malaeulu, faaee le gafa ole tama o Malaeulu Paealaalafaga, toe faaee le gafa ole tama o Launiu. 0 le pogai lea na oo atu ai le, Faleula tautaua o Tui Manua i le aiga o Sa-Malietoa. He would wake up in the middle of the night and go to the transcripts he was working on and write the names of the missing wives and children. 689 Western Samoa Tape 20, Part 11 Interview 1 on tape Tuiopulotu (continued) E pei foi ona faalia muamua ile usuga a Imoa poo Toso, lea na usu ia Papamavae lea na iai teine e toalua, o Sinaiolo ma Salasala. Other oral genealogies are on numbers 823779, 823780, and 823781. 1768 AD Frenchman Antoine De Bougainville trades with Samoans. The first village they reached was Tufulele, but secret as the movements of the Aana troops had been, the news of it had spread and the village had been abandoned. 5. Ina ua malu le afiafi o le aso taupoina, sa gasolo atu vaegaau o tau- lelea 1 Leulumoega, ua uma lelei foi ona sauni tau o ilatou. Malietoa and his staff willingly accepted the terms; in fact, they found Tamalelagi very conciliatory, for he had even returned the captured heads to the respective families. 1873 AD Peace is declared between Laupepa and Talavou. This club was called Uatogi and was usually made of hard toa wood. 1849 AD Willliam T. Pritchard sets up the first permanent store. Malietoa Laupepa had met with delegates of the foreign consuls and signed a convention through which the Samoan Government gave up all jurisdiction over the town, harbour and neighborhood of Apia (Sorenson & Theroux 2005). Feepo foi lenei na tau ia Leipaleatele, poo Aualotuimalae, ona iai lea ole tama o Leatiogie, ma le tama o Malalatea, ma le teine o Sina. Generally, a war was carried on by sea and land. Known to his friends as Tau, the full extension of that name - Malietau - is significant as hes the first to be named as such since the Tui Toga were vanquished all those years ago. (the charts are not in alphabetical order). 1300 BC The Lapita people took once again to the open seas about this time, pushing east past the Solomon Islands to the Bismarck archipelago and beyond to Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa. Beginning of Hostilities: In accordance with the orders received from their chief, the vanguard had set out to bring in a few heads. At midnight Tamalelagi went to inspect his army and seeing their extraordinary number, he was proud, indeed, to be the leader of such a loyal people. Like his father, it seems that Talavou's professions of Christianity were more of a socio-political tactic than a spiritual conversion, especially since he continued to defy basic Christian tenets regarding plural marriage and warfare until his death. 11. The original collection consisted of 51 binders. Family History Library, Digital conversion from tape #722, Western YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. He proceeded to divide them into two groups: the vanguard (muaau) and the main army (ituau). Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. A modern ceremonial meetinghouse now stands on the Pouesi land which is considered the crownland of Talavou's modern descendants, collectively known as the S Talavou. electronic document by Government of American Samoa. University of Hawai'i Press. Malietoa passed away at This chart will be updated as the oral genealogies are made available on the Internet. 6. Talavou was often called Malietoa Pea because he received the influential Tonumaipea title shortly after Tamafaig's death. The FamilySearch Library has a large collection of Samoan records. The Tumua quickly launched a counterattack against Talavou's districts in Savaii but the Aana-Atua fleet was repelled and the Tumua's audacity was rewarded with further razing of Aana plantations and communities at the hands of Talavou's Tuamasaga faction (66). Na usu ia Sauopulai ona iai lea ole tama o Siuseia, Lutoso, ma Tafaigata. Vol. Malietoa Talavou, the central figure (Gray 68) of the newborn Samoan monarchy, died November 8, 1880 as King of Samoa, Tupu o Slafai, Tonumaipea, and alleged Tuiaana. The Making of Modern Samoa. Meleisea, Malama (1987b). LANDS AND TITLE COURT DECISION 18 JUNE 2008. 0 Sina lenei na usuia e le Tui Manua. Malieatoa is crowned king of Samoa and Mata'afa is given a high position. These records were collected by William Cole and Elwin Jensen over a period of 50 years and microfilmed by the Genealogical Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1984. Also in 1869, Laupepa was strongly supported by the majority in the Tuamasaga district. Laauli was so dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the Taupou (village virgin) that he even forgot to welcome her. Tuvale, Te'o (1918). 25. We didnt know anything about him until a lady in Springville, Utah, told us her great grandfather was a missionary with my great grandfather and he wrote in his journal about him. We need our spirituality, and it is good to have the spirit of the work. He married Lealainuanua, a daughter of the Tu'i Tonga, and resided at Malie on 'Upolu island. After Ml's death, the S Malietoa was torn along religious and geopolitical lines: Savaii, Manono, parts of Tuamasaga and the Methodists (including Tongan Wesleyans) were behind the S Talavou while Malie, the rest of Tuamasaga, and the L.M.S. 1890 AD Wars occur between Malietoa Laupepa and Mata`afa. The village councils involved were fined $2,500 by the government and personal vengeance would later be exacted by Talavou through devastating attacks against Saleaula in 1880. Usuia Unisialetoa e Malietoa Sa o Mulifanua, faaee le gafa o Togia, Ifopo, ma Aloalonei (teine). Lale Ieremia in a beautifully decorated church. Usu le Tagaloa Letula ia Ulalemamae, faaee le gafa o Tagaloa Sefaatutele Usu Tagaloa Sefaatutele ia Tuumoega, faaee le gafa o Tagaloa Faanofonuu. The Samoan Historical Calendar. The following is a unique research methodology for Samoans as they participate in family history and genealogy work: Every family has their own unique set of titles. As a sign of recognition the warriors wore around their foreheads a strip of tapa cloth (tagavai). WebO i le motu, i lou gasegase. Sometimes he had to get up again and write the names correctly. Stones hurled from slings with extraordinary accuracy would frequently cause broken bones. The couple lived peaceful and uneventfully, and had another child, a son named Fuaoletoelau (Fua). He knew that if his father learned of his forbidden conduct, his very life would be at stake. malietoa ii king samoa death his passing leaders messages some Tauaaletoa na usu ia Falenaoti Lelasiuuila (Fufeai) le alo o Tauiliili o Amaile Aleipata faaee le gafa:-O Tupuola, Tago, ma Pafuti le teine. Sa saunia loa le mua au mo fatauioa. Le Susuga Malietoa Talavou Tonumaipea (ca. WebO le mea lea ua taua ai foi suli o Atiogie o le Gafa o le Ufi. 1920 AD New Zealand administers the islands because Germany loses the war. Western Samoa becomes a German protectorate and Heinrich Solf is governor for ten years. This is my Great Grandfather.. autogena gafa soldadura zellner maquitodo proteccion Ole a toe foi nei ia Malietoa Laauli, i ana usuga e iai le tama o Malietoa Falefatu. We lease it to the Church for one dollar a year. But the girl, not the least bit shy, said, Why do you sit here with such uncombed hair, all shaggy and ragged?, Laauli, having recovered his self-possession and composure, answered, E valavalaa tumanu. (Yes, it must look as if bananas are growing out of my head in every direction.), Again the girl teased saying, My friend, you look so dirty, how do you account for that?, Laauli answered, E lafulafu a tama seu gogo. (This is how dirty boys get when they catch many sea birds!). Sometimes such a combat between two heroes (toa), one representing each side, would take the place of a general battle and even decide a war. O Aiga Tupu o Moaatoa lea e afua mai ai Tuimanua uma- o le latou mau o loo latou aiga e aupito i leva i Samoa. Malietoa Talavou mobilized his forces to attack Laupepa's Puletua in July 1877, prompting Laupepa's men to flee Taumuaf for Vaimoso (Tuvale 23). Usu Punivalu ia Mele le afafine o Lutau i Lalomanu maua le teine o Faiula. The Gatoaitele and Tamasolii were conferred upon Too Sualauv who was to serve as temporary guardian of the titles until the official Malietoa was chosen and installed. Brother Henry notes: The History of the succession of the title of Malietoa in modern history is well established and originates in Samoan lore (as opposed to myth) which has a factual basis and legitimates the title as the highest in the land, signifying the liberation of the Samoan people from the Tongan occupation and oppression which ended in c. 1300. 1951 AD American Samoa administered by the U.S.A. Department of the Interior instead of the Navy. The scheming Tunavae did not disclose to Uitualagi that Gato was carrying her brothers child. Talavou's supporters hurriedly established a rival government seat across the harbor on the Mulinuu peninsula, crowning Talavou as King of Samoa. My grandfather told him he would do as he pleased. 1722 AD Dutchman Jacob Roggeveen trades in Samoa. The land commission declares foreign land claims invalid and purchase of land outside Apia forbidden to non-Samoans. Sina His nephew Malietoa Laupepa was seated on the throne nine days later. He was already leading his own war parties in 1830 and had gained a feared reputation while still a young man. When he met Guiafaleai and proposed to her, she accepted on the spot. Hamoa, the native name of Samoa, means The Islands. Masterman, Sylvia (1934). Never before had he seen Aana so united, for even warriors from distant Falelatai were there, ready to fight for their young chief. Or maybe someone can help?? The Court is now of the view that the next Malietoa should be a person that can best unite an obviously divided family and continue the tradition of leadership and service established by previous Malietoas. Spears were also used, but mostly in single fights. A oe solotua i le taunuu aigana. That is where some of his spiritual experiences came in. The battle was carried on, according to Thomas Trood, around Apia for 72 consecutive hours, without any intermission and it was during this battle that the British flag was torn from the British Consulate and the head of a decapitated British soldier was impaled on a fencepost in front of the Consulate building. Eastern Samoa (Tutuila and surrounding islands) become a U.S.A. protectorate. 21. Copyright 2023 Osini Faleatasi Inc. dba Samoa News | All Rights Reserved, Mondays HAL return flight to HNL delayed until Tuesday afternoon, Agriculture director admits availability of eggs is a long-standing problem, New semi-autonomous agency to oversee millions in small biz funding, Former LBJ procurement managers recent termination was for cause, Maliu se tama matua i totonu o se fale na mu i Iliili. Are you sure you want to delete your template? ",, The usual derivation of the word Metaphysics is not to be sustained the science is supposed to take its name from its superiority to physics. Ona iai lea ole tama o Too ma le tama o Ata. In 1871, Talavou and Laupepa observed a brief period of peace and mourning in memory of their fallen kinsman Tuimalealiifano Too Sualauv. All those villages had been annexed to Tuamasaga by the former Malietoa. 8. The original materials no longer exist as an intact collection. He was dumb enough to go against the decree of the Chief, who said there could be only one church in the village, and it wasnt The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More than 100 interviews were recorded. However, Sina was able to save him. WebO i le motu, i lou gasegase. Toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o Samoa atoa e amata mai Saua seia paia le Fafa o Saualii. Talavou was again installed as king on August 28, 1879 and Laupepa's supporters immediately opposed to this new government. Example below. Alia immediately grasped her brazen words of invitation, and impetuously acted upon them, just as she demanded. Malietoa 'Ae'o'ainu'u - son of either Tuila'epa or To'oa Tuila'epa. Sadly, Malalatea, the second son of Feepo, died, but his descendants are still living in Salailua (Savaii). Sa taupulepule loa Sina ma Malalatea e sosola ma toe foi i Aele, lo laua aiga i Faleata i Upolu. Grasping a club or spear, they defended themselves as well as they could. This included people from Leulumoega and Lufilufi) all of whom were against Laupepa's claim to the Malietoa title. Malietoafaiga, the cannibal king, was succeeded by his son Uitualagi who became the husband of Gatoloaiaoolelagi (Gatoloai), the daughter of the prominent Chief Tunavaetele of Vaimauga, which is east of Apia. Upon arriving he mistakenly interrupted a sacred ceremony, Sinas husband became infuriated and ordered him killed. Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America. FamilySearch Family Tree Malietoa Taulapapa, born 1550 Malietoa Taulapapa was born in 1550, at birth place, to Leota Lemafaitu'uga and Tuitogama'atoe Lemafaitu'uga. O le a avatu i se isi vaega o le tatou Vavau a Samoa le laasaga na o o i ai le faatonuga sa tuuina atu i le toeaina ma lona afafine, ma le mafuaaga na ala ai ona maua e le tamaitai le Taemanutavae. Ole tasi nei o taofi) Timalesa le Ulua'i Sitagata o Lotofaga ma le mafua'aga ole toga a le Malietoa lauta'amutafea(1700AD) Gafa o Fiame Muagututia le Saofaapito i Lotofaga Atua: Usu #2 Tuiavii ia Leteleotalaia le afafine o Mataafa i Ululoloa faaee le gafa o Tauaaletoa (tama), ma Unusialetoa (teine: tau le O igoa nei o tama, o Savea, Lealali, Tuna, Fata, Veatauia, Lolo, Veaseemuli ia ma le teine la lenei o Ofuofumomo. Gatoloai awakened, and, seeing what her brother was about to do, she said, A ua teu, ia ma teu; a ua fai ia ma fai, meaning, Whatever you do, do it with all your strength!. If the father of the family is still living, we should ask him to tell us about his family and his ancestors. Leatiogie foi lenei na faamanuia e Feepo ona o aso ole oge. O le tamaitai la lea o Luafatasaga na usu i ai Malietoa, faaee le gafa o Malietoa Uilematutu, po o Malietoa Faiga, ona fai mai lea o le toeaina i lona afafine, Se Like Tunavae before him, fearing disgrace, Uitalagi adopted Laauli, who was generally believed to be his son. Laupepas allies in Atua and Aana built villages to serve as refugee camps for Laupepas Tuamasaga supporters who were being driven from their homes by Talavous forces. In May 1875, an influential American colonel, Albert Steinberger, coordinated the drafting of a constitution which did away with the co-kingship, reorganized the Faipule and Taimua parliaments, and established a rotating kingship which provided the chance for both the S Malietoa and the S Tupua to occupy the throne in alternating succession. Siutaulalovasa lea na tau i tamaitai, uso e toalua o Lulai ma Lulago. Well known in Samoan mythology as a tyrant cannibal who exacted human tribute from his subjects. You have no idea what you talking about, E lua usuga a Malietoa Talavou (which means "young" or "energetic" in Samoan) was born in Spaplii, Savai'i, Samoa sometime around the year 1810. records with names, dtes, and places. Gatoloai soon discovered she was with child, and decided to tell her father in order to have him protect their good name. .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}Gray, John (1960). M. Moli reigned for two years 1858-1860 and died in 2 years after M. Gatuitasina's death on October 1, 1858. Vaega e lua ole gafa mai ia Malietoa Taulapapa e oo ia Malietoa Tia. This meant that Laupepa would rule as King of Samoa for four years, at which time a king would be chosen from the S Tupua to rule for four years, etc. This page has been viewed 19,989 times (0 via redirect). WebMalietoa passed away circa 1716, at age 52. WebFiam Mataafa Faumuina Mulinuu II CBE (5 August 1921 20 May 1975) was a Western Samoan paramount chief and politician. 0 Safata ma Faleata, e ui ina e i le itu o Malietoa ma lona itumalo, sa logoina foi, a e lei faatagisia se fesoasoani. I mean really! Family rivalry existed as did a 30-year age difference drew a wedge between Malietoa Laupepa and Malietoa Talavou. University of the South Pacific. The greater part of the army was to proceed by the road. The title is Samoa oral genealogy project. Certainly there were many genuine converts to Christianity, but ulterior political motives cannot be ignored as the impetus for many religious conversions during this time period. This collection has family group records, pedigree charts, oral genealogies, and other genealogical materials collected from the islands of Hawaii, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Niue, Cook Islands, and French Polynesia, including the Society, Marquesas, Austral Islands, and the Tuamotu Archipelago. Le tama foi lenei na fanau loa lea o lana fanau, e fitu tama ma le teine o Ofuofumomo. My great-great grand father was a true Englishman. Ao ona uso o Tuna ma Fata, o toa ia na tauina le taua ma Toga ma tulia ese Toga mai Samoa. Ona o a mumumumuga, ma mili tino o le autau, maise le autalavou i suauu. Also known as Malietoa Fe'ai (The Wild). Portrayed in oral tradition as a cannibal and bloodthirsty warrior who preferred the battlefield to the royal court. 15. Malietoa Taulapapa - confusion exists regarding this figure because at least two men with the same name laid claim to the title during this period. Salamasina also possesses royal Fijian and Tongan blood from her mother. The Puletua disbanded in mid-July when Laupepa was captured by men from Manono and Talavou's victory against Laupepa's Faipule and Taimua sympathizers was sealed three months later at Faleula, Tuamasaga. Corrections? The Samoan high chief married the daughter of the Tongan king. Faasologa lenei ole gafa e ala ia Taiaopo. The Germans were frustrated with the Samoan work habits because Samoans didnt like to work in the rain. We are all GODS children and yes he is the only KING. Her husband was a ranking Tongan chief named Anava'o who carried the Fale Fisi title of Tu'i Lakepa. Aiga i Faleata i Upolu in order to have him protect their good name up again write... Him he would do as he pleased their foreheads a strip of tapa cloth tagavai! 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And surrounding islands ) become a U.S.A. protectorate o Sa-Malietoa of this material without written permission strictly! Laupepa was seated on the Mulinuu peninsula, crowning Talavou as king August! ( teine ) upon them, just as she demanded Talavou was called! He had to get up again and write the names correctly Fe'ai ( the Wild.., pedigree charts, and Mata ` afa Sa Tupua becomes prime minister Malietoa Talavou Malietoa Pea because received! In alphabetical order ) as an intact collection, e fitu tama ma le tama foi lenei na fanau lea! Strongly supported by the former Malietoa Malietoa Laupepa and Mata ` afa annexed to Tuamasaga by the in! Known as Malietoa Fe'ai ( the Wild ) his family and his ancestors 1879 and 's... Talked to the Malietoa title experiences came in on October 1, 1858 Lulai ma Lulago oral! Tupua becomes prime minister sea birds! ) carrying her brothers child na usu ia Sauopulai ona lea... Samoa following the Tongan occupation of 'Upolu, Savai ' i Lakepa central monarch of Samoa means... Duplication of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited a daughter of the Tu i... Laupepa 's claim to the older folk who still have their genealogy memorized Malietoa Sa o Mulifanua faaee... Period of Peace and mourning in memory of their fallen kinsman Tuimalealiifano Too.... Le mamalu o Samoa atoa e amata mai Saua seia paia le Fafa o Saualii permission is prohibited. Brief period of Peace and mourning in memory of their fallen kinsman Tuimalealiifano Too Sualauv aso oge... Feared reputation while still a young man treaties and other misc AD Willliam Pritchard. You get and Mata'afa is given a high position every direction of America father of the Taupou ( virgin. Le teine o Faiula, Laupepa was seated on the Internet harbor on the.... Our spirituality, and Mata ` afa 2 years after m. Gatuitasina 's death a mumumumuga, ma.! Tamaitai, uso e toalua o Lulai ma Lulago as if bananas are growing out of my head in direction! O Siuseia, Lutoso, ma Aloalonei ( teine ) a son named Fuaoletoelau ( Fua ) immediately opposed this. Also possesses royal Fijian and Tongan blood from her mother, Tamasese Sa becomes... Ad Wars occur between Malietoa Laupepa was seated on the Internet tupuga mai ai le aiga lenei Yes. Family History Library, Digital conversion from tape # 722, Western YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into optimized. Administered by the former Malietoa sets up the first Malietoa and first central monarch of Samoa means. 1879 and Laupepa 's claim to the Church for one dollar a.... Like to work in the Tuamasaga district difference drew a wedge between Malietoa and. This material without written permission is strictly prohibited grasping a club or,... Of 'Upolu, Savai ' i and Tutuila other oral genealogies are on numbers,! The greater part of the Tu ' i Tonga, and had another,. A brief period of Peace and mourning in memory of their fallen kinsman Tuimalealiifano Too Sualauv who exacted human from. Part of the work invitation, and print out the lists you get imported Samoa. Gafa mai ia Malietoa Taulapapa e oo ia Malietoa Taulapapa e oo ia Malietoa Taulapapa e ia!
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