I renounce the cable tow around the neck. I renounce the false secret name of God, JAHBULON, and declare total rejection of all worship of the false pagan gods, BUL or BAAL, and ON or OSIRIS. Lord Jesus Christ let your Precious Blood flowing from Thy wounded Heart cover me, my cogitative power, memory, imagination, common sense power, sensitive appetites, my sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, (and any part of your body they are affecting) driving the demons to the foot of thy Cross where they may be judged by Thee. I've also written a prayer for writerswhich really, is all of us who are aware that words have a certain power and that we were designed to receive truth and goodness and beauty through them, whether in an email, a . I renounce all other lodges and secret societies including Prince Hall Freemasonry, Grand Orient Lodges, Mormonism, The Order of Amaranth, the Royal Order of Jesters, the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, Buffalos, Druids, Foresters, the Orange and Black Lodges, Elks, Moose and Eagles Lodges, the Ku Klux Klan, The Grange, the Woodmen of the World, Riders of the Red Robe, the Knights of Pythias, the Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, the women's Orders of the Eastern Star, of the Ladies Oriental Shrine and of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, the girls' order of the Daughters of the Eastern Star, the International Orders of Job's Daughters and of the Rainbow, and the boys' Order of De Molay, and their effects on me and all my family. Prayer of Saint Paul the Cenobite to the Most Holy Mother of God. The most dangerous type of warfare is binding and loosing but this script is imperative for all sessions. (May the Holy Cross be my light, the dragon will never be my guide.) I especially ask for the following specific grace for my family, if it be your holy will (here mention the specific intention silently or out loud). For their own pastoral protection, we recommend that faithful not use imprecatory prayers, ie., directly commanding demons to leave, over others whom they do not have authority. St. Michael, surround him (her) with thy shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on him (her). Give me, O Father, much faith, joy, health, peace, and all the graces that I need. God the Father, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and my Savior, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins. Then, under the protection of Your authority, may we sing in gratitude: The Lord is my salvation, whom shall I fear? Praying Against Spiritual Resistance | The Navigators Gabriele Amorth, Prayers to Break the Freemasonic Curse - Short Form, Deliverance Prayer Session for People or Places, Consecration to Mary for the Closing of the "Occult Third Eye", Prayer to Mary for Liberation (St. Pius X), Remedy Against the Spirit of Darkness and the Forces of Hate and Fear, Prayer for Breaking the Wall Built Up Around the Heart, Prayer for Protection Against Curses, Harm, and Accidents, Consecration of Ones Exterior Goods to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Little Psalter of the Most Holy Face of Jesus, In the Holy Name of Jesus, through the authority of the natural law and my baptism, through the merits of the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Jesus and His sending of the Holy Spirit, I decommission this tattoo and break and sever each and every connection between this tattoo and the Evil One and his associates. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. It's restricted only to priests -that is the second version. I renounce the secret passwords, STIBIUM ALKABAR, PHARASH-KOH and all they mean. In Jesus name, I cast out all evil spirits that are harming us. God of Heaven and earth, God of the Angels and Archangels, God of the Patriarchs and Prophets, God of the Apostles and martyrs, God of confessors and virgins, God Who have power to bestow life after death and rest after toil; for there is no other God than You, nor can there be another true God beside You, the Creator of all things visible and invisible, Whose Kingdom is without end; we humbly entreat Your glorious Majesty to deliver us[and . I ask that no demonic bondage, door,demonic entity, portal, astral projection or disembodied spirit may enter the space of 100 yards in all directions of him/her/us. It's Chapter 3 in the Ritual Romanum of Title 12. Amen. You who set Your Cross as a support, the salvation of the world, to the Devils fall and the fall of all the angels under him. I renounce the falling into the coffin or stretcher involved in the ritual of murder. Demonic retaliation is simply the enemy waging a war against you in response to a war that you have waged again him. *** I renounce the oaths taken and the curses and penalties involved in the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. This prayer is very effective, depending upon ones faith and sincerity, in removing the psychic vulnerability of persons to the preternatural world of the unclean spirits whether this vulnerability was attained by occult practices and/or having spirits of the occult come down from ancestors who delved in sorcery and witchcraft. Please have all their powers and devices destroyed and cast into the abyss. As with the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, the three parts of the Little Psalter of the Holy Face need not be said all at once. NN(your Patron saint/s), for with fervor I come to you, speedy helper and intercessors for my soul. It also does not mean the one hurt should have warm feelings about the other person. Through the merits of your sorrows, grant me relief and comfort. I bind you from ever seeking to gain power or influence over N., or anyone or anything associates with him(her). (Sprinkle the room with holy water for blessing.). 2. Divine Father, innite goodness poured out on all peoples, may You be known, honored, and loved by all men! I ask you to bring these people before your throne and bless them with the revelation of who you are and your love and plans of salvation for them. Glory to You, our God, glory to You. If opportune, to be done with a profound bow or by kneeling. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce and cut off Witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, and I renounce and cut off BAPHOMET, the Spirit of Antichrist and the spirits of Death, and Deception. To be said while showing the Cross and making the Sign of the Cross with it: +Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered; and let those who hate Him Flee before His Presence. I believe that, in Your innite power,You can bring good even out of evil. (3x), With the sword of our Lords Cross: Vade Satana (Be gone Satan). Guard me, O Lord, by the power of Your Holy and life-giving+Cross and keep me from all evil. I renounce all the fears which held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of His Cross, His Blood and His resurrection, I bind you satan, the spirits, powers and forces of darkness, the nether world, and the evil forces of nature. Enlighten my mind with the light of understanding of Your holy Gospel. Sprinkle the remains with holy Water once more. Protect me from devastating enemies' actions. Deacons should not pray the Rite of Exorcism or the Leo XIII prayers. When we begin to recognize we are in a war, we can begin to learn how to fight back. Anyone who has hurt me (us), I (we) now forgive. I do this in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in Your Glorious and Most Holy Name. Amen. I ask that any demons within this vicinity or any that should try to enter here be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind; that Thou would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that Thou would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. Make him depart+swiftly from this creature of Yours, O Creator Christ our God! For their adult children, they are invoking God to heal and liberate them.]. Amen, 2023 by St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal. O divine Mother, send us your angels and archangels to defend us, to watch over us. Pray with precision, faith, and authority to silence and subdue the influence of any evil spirit that devours the understanding of the Word of God. At the discretion of the deacon, the afflicted person may explicitly reject any types or names of demons or related curses or sinful behaviors or give voice to any necessary forgiveness. May the Holy Angels guard him/her/us and all our possessions, establishing a perimeter of protection around. I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins I have confessed and renounced. *, Cause Thy Face to shine upon Thy sanctuary. I bind this wall that is around Ns heart in the Blood of Jesus and I break it in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. It is You who descended into Hades and opened its tombs and set free those held prisoner in it, calling them to Yourself; before You the gatekeepers of Hades shuddered when they saw You and, hiding themselves, vanished in the anguish of Hades. Amen. However, we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the powers of the Kingdom of Darkness and the forces of hell. O Lord, grant me Your unworthy servant (handmaid), Your salvation on my bed. I also ask that by the grace of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary every cell in my body to come into divine order now, and to be healed and made whole as they were designed to, by my loving Creator, including restoring all chemical imbalances and neurological functions, controlling all cancerous cells, and reversing all degenerative diseases. Obtain for me the grace that I need! Yes, Lord our God, have compassion on Your image, and save Your servantN.from every threat coming from the spell, and protect him by raising him above all evil. Lighten my eyes, O Christ God, lest I sleep in death, and lest my enemies say: I have prevailed over him (her). Pray it for groups of priests, and pray it for [the priests of] entire nations. (Thrice). May you be released from any dysfunctional attachments, be healed in your heart, and set free in the name of Jesus. free,N. Then: Glory to You, our God, glory to You. Binding + Loosing - Warfare Prayer - Multiplying Freedom 9. Rise not in anger against us, remember not our transgressions, but in the depth of Your mercy look upon us even now and save us from our enemies; for You are our God and we are Your people, we are all the work of Your hands and we constantly call upon Your name. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. We beseech You to make powerless, banish, and drive out every diabolic power, presence, and machination; every evil influence, malefice, or evil eye and all evil actions aimed against Your servant[persons] and in this place ..[places] where there is envy and malice, give us an abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and charity. Jesus, freeN.! To Him and to his eternal Father and to His all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, we send up glory, honor and adoration, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. THE PSALM 109 PRAYERS AGAINST THE WICKED - EvangelistJoshua.com I cover the whole air, the whole land and the whole sea with the Blood of Jesus Christ. O Lord, You who love man, we beg You to reach out Your powerful hands and Your mighty arms and send the angels of peace over us, to protect us, body and soul. Come, Holy Spirit, renew us, fill us anew with Your power, love and joy. Thank you, God the Father, for Thy mercy, Thy forgiveness and Thy love, in the name of Jesus Christ. In this session, we cover the fifth temptation that must be resistedthe temptation to retaliate and be defensive towards those who insult us or take advantage of us. Thank you, God the Father, for Your mercy, Your forgiveness and Your love, in the name of Jesus Christ. To you as your child, I abandon and consecrate my life, my family, and the community in which I live. Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, soul, and spirit, and may the sign of Your holy cross drive away all evil spirits from us. Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. I renounce and rebuke Satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. I ask that any demons that should try to come against him/her/us be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind; that You would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that You would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. I pray all these things in the precious name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I also ask that by the grace of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, every cell in my body to come into divine order now and to be healed and made whole as they were designed to be by my loving Creator, including restoring all chemical imbalances and neurological functions, controlling all cancerous cells, and reversing all degenerative diseases. This is important. Purify us and wash us clean with the blood of Jesus from the top of our heads down to the very soles of our feet. (3x), Magnificat anima mea Dominum ( My soul magnifies the Lord.) May St. Michael and the Holy Angels sever any bonds of sin and protect this person from all evil and harm. Let them possess the gates of those who hate them. That is why every intercessor needs to know the enemy. With the object buried (or discarded in a river or stream), bless yourself with Holy Water and the Sign of the Cross, say an Our Father, and three Hail Marys. I send you directly and immediately to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. (Patron Saint/s), my (our) Guardian Angel(s), and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the Holy and Mighty name of Your Son, Jesus. August Queen of Heaven, Sovereign Mistress of the Angels, thou, who from the beginning hast received from God the power of the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly implore thee, to send thy holy legions so that under thy command and by thy power, they may drive the devils away, everywhere, fight them, subduing their boldness and thrust them down into the abyss. I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Lord Jesus Christ, in Your love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around N. and myself and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. PDF Prayers for investigators and clergy under attack In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce HIRAM ABIFF, the false savior of Freemasons revealed in this degree. Powerful Catholic Prayer Against Spiritual Retaliation Lord Jesus Christ, In Your great love and mercy, pour Thy Precious Blood over me so that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against me. In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the merits of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and all the saints, I ask Thee, God the Father, to break every occult tie of black magic (sorcery, curse, etc.) There are differences between British Commonwealth Masonry and American & Prince Hall Masonry in the higher degrees. As I now interiorly relinquish what belongs to me exteriorly into thy hands, I entrust to thee the protection of those exterior goods against the evil one, so that, knowing that they now belong to thee, he cannot touch them. Binding and Loosing Prayer. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name, the Name before which every knee shall bow, in heaven, on the earth and under the earth, that Jesus Christ is Lord. St. A Prayer for Help against Spiritual Enemies | EWTN I renounce the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Thirty-First Degree of Masonry, the Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. God the Father humiliate the demons that have sought to steal Thy glory from Thee by oppressing Thy creatures. I renounce the pagan ritual of the "Point within a Circle" with all its bondages and phallus worship. Moreover, unforgiveness can dysfunctionally bond the person to the abuser and the one harmed can remain a perpetual victim, under the control of the abuser. I ask God now to washmein the blood of the Lamb and cleanse me from any stain of sin or attachment of any kind to these individuals. Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to protect my family from sickness, from all harm and from accidents. Amen. Amen. I renounce the All-Seeing Third Eye of Freemasonry or HORUS in the forehead and its pagan and occult symbolism. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. I acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. O Ruler of All, Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, You who are perfect, never in Your great mercy leave me, but ever abide in me, Your servant (handmaid). People: I invoke my natural law rights over my own property and finances. In which case, the individual will want to use the prayers to lift curses, against generational curses, against Freemasonry curses or whatever is applicable. O Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your sheep, deliver me not to the revolt of the serpent and leave me not to the will of Satan, for the seed of corruption is in me. Holy Immortal One. Lifting Curses and Rejecting Evil Spirits (Prayed by the Afflicted Person and Witnessed by the Deacon). I enthrone Thee, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for Thou are my Lord and my Savior, the source of eternal life. Blessed Virgin, we ask thee to offer the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of thy Son to God the Father in reparation for the sins of those ancestors who may have introduced any evil spirits into my generational line, as well as any subsequent sins that may have resulted from the evil spirits affecting those of the generational line. Come let us worship Christ, our King and our God, and bow down before Him. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Close now my psychic abilities which I have obtained through the power of demons. I renounce the secret passwords, DEMOLAY-HIRUM ABIFF, FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA, MICHA, MACHA, BEALIM, and ADONAI and all they mean. Mary, surround him (her) (me) with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over him (her) (me). That is why we must train our spirit man to be alert. I break any and all bonds, ties, and attachments in the Name of the Father, and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. These psychic abilities I renounce and surrender totally to you. Thank You for enabling me (us) through Your Holy Spirit to be aggressive against the works of the enemy. Blessed Virgin, we ask you to offer the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your Son to God the Father in reparation for the sins of those ancestors who may have introduced any evil spirits into my generational line, as well as any subsequent sins that may have resulted from the evil spirits affecting those of the generational line. But we realize that the sickness and evil we encountered are more than our humanities can bear. But it's in there. O Lord, Our God, in Your goodness and love for mankind, forgive me all the sins I have committed today in word, deed, or thought. Remember, O most compassionate God, that they are but weak and frail human beings. God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, I come to Thee in the name of Jesus Christ Thy Son. Amen. Father, I beseech you to send a spirit of unity and peace to my family. Come, let us worship God, our King and bow down before Him. [This prayer is especially appropriate for anyone with a demonic or evil tattoo, a tattoo that was cursed or has a connection to the demonic, or any tattoo that is resulting in evil effects.]. Amen. Amen. I also renounce kneeling to the false deity known as the Great Architect of the Universe, and humbly ask the One True God to forgive me for this idolatry, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Help us to love You more. O Jesus our Savior, my Lord and my God, my God and my all, with your sacrifice on the Cross you redeemed us and defeated the power of Satan. I call on the name of the Lord Jesus to be delivered of these spirits, in accordance with Our Lords many promises. Mary, surround him (her) with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having, any authority over him (her). You are the doctor and the physician of our souls. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. I also renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses involved in the other York Rite Degrees, including Past Master, with the penalty of having my tongue split from tip to root; and of the Most Excellent Master Degree, in which the penalty is to have my breast torn open and my heart and vital organs removed and exposed to rot on the dung hill. A Deliverance Prayer Session Led by a Deacon. I am aware of and reject whatever evil I have done and that I have caused all of society. We beg You to hear us. Last Name. I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. Fr. (LogOut/ Genesis 4:15 Verse Concepts So the Lord said to him, "Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold." At the hour of prayer, rouse us, strong in the practice of Your commandments and ever-mindful of Your desires. Trusting in the providential care of God the Father and thy maternal care, I have full confidence that thou will take care of me as to the necessities of this life and will not leave me forsaken. We ask You this through the intercession of our most blessed, glorious Lady, Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the most splendid archangels, and all your saints. There are other similar kinds of prayers in the APP: Catholic Exorcism.. Father, so long as these instruments are utilized in this ministry of Divine mercy, we ask you to allow them to enjoy the protection of the Blessed Mother, St. Michael the Archangel and all the Holy Angels. 3) In the case of praying these prayers for others who are not under their direct authority, we recommend the faithful adjust the prayers so that they are directed to God, thus making it a deprecatory prayer. Mary, surround him (her) (me) with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over him (her) (me). I renounce all the fears which held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ask the person to stop manifesting and come back to consciousness. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any female ancestor who may or may not have felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. Those of British & Commonwealth decent shouldn't need to pray through those paragraphs. Father in Heaven, please rebuke these evil spirits and their effects and cast them away from me so that I may continue to do Your Will and fulfill the mission You have for us to Your Greater Glory. (3x), Exi de homine (Come out of the man.) R.That You help Your Church to serve You in security and freedom. O You Who has rebuked all unclean spirits and by the power of Your Word has banished the legion, come now, through Your only begotten Son upon this creature+, which You have fashioned in Your own image and deliver him(her)from the adversary that holds him(her)in bondage, so that, receiving Your mercy and becoming purified, he(she)might join the ranks of Your holy flock and be preserved as a living temple of the Holy Spirit and might receive the divine and holy Mysteries through the grace and compassion and loving kindness of Your only-begotten Son with Whom You are blessed together with Your all-holy and good and life-creating+Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. I rejoice that the Catholic Church teaches that I cannot do a single thing to earn my salvation without the grace of God which comes through the Cross of Calvary. Dear Lord Jesus, would you please send a special assignment of defending angelic powers to remove all trafficking witches from me. +O Lord, rebuke Satan! All. Amen. I renounce the secret words TUBAL CAIN and MAHA BONE and all that they mean. Receive, O good and pious Virgin, this little offering of what little is, in honor of, and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to thy maternity; in homage to the power which both of you have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored thee.